As an output of the ANDE SGB Finance Learning Lab, ANDE India and Asha Impact have collaborated, with the support of SAP and UNDP SDG Finance Facility, to put together this playbook on Social Success Notes.
SSNs are innovative financing mechanisms that aim to leverage commercial capital for social good. Aiming to be a functional tool for the entrepreneurial ecosystem, this playbook addresses the why and what of SSNs, along with a few case studies, challenges and opportunities revolving around these nascent financing tools. Especially in times of crisis, instruments such as SSNs have the potential to improve the efficacy of philanthropy and mobilise return-seeking capital for greater impact.
We were delighted to put together the first pilot of a SSN - it’s great to see the blended finance model being recognised at an industry level.
With inputs from the Michael & Susan Dell Foundation India, LLP, UBS Optimus Foundation, and us at Yunus Social Business, they playbook is a valuable addition to the SGB Finance knowledge space.
Read the playbook on the ANDE website here: READ THE REPORT
Naveen was born and raised in a small village outside Varanasi in Northern India. All his life, he grew up around manual rickshaw drivers carrying people to and from the city, it’s backbreaking work for very little pay. He saw that very often the rickshaw cyclists came from some of the most vulnerable communities, frequently associated with drug and alcohol abuse.
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