Neben der Digitalisierung müssen sich Unternehmen der „social disruption“ stellen. Unsere Gründerin Saskia Bruysten ist überzeugt: Wer einen positiven Beitrag zur Gesellschaft nicht bald als Teil seines Kerngeschäfts versteht, ist bald weg vom Fenster.
People in rural and peri-urban Kenya are lacking access to high-quality healthcare and medication. Less than 5% of Kenya’s GDP is spent on healthcare and only 17% of Kenyans have health insurance coverage. With 46% of the country’s population living below the poverty line, Kenyans are particularly vulnerable to financial catastrophe when facing health issues.
Our goal is to foster partnerships between social businesses and corporations where corporations can directly buy products and services from social businesses, giving social businesses the chance to scale.
Yunus Social Business (YSB) and Upaya Social Ventures (Upaya) today announced the launch of their 2022 Accelerator Programme to help small and growing businesses (SGBs) in India scale and create jobs to lift people out of extreme poverty.